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Monday 15 October 2012

I went to sleep

...and had a nightmare that you were in love with someone else. Then I woke up and realized that it had happened already. I went back to sleep.

Will my role in your life change? Be diminished? I hoped not. But of course it will - how else are you to make room for her? And so it did. But we are happy.

We got together on Skype to talk of now and of the old days and why we split up (bad Skype connections; awkward sex; wrong/right things said or unsaid; speculative French lessons with possible future partners). Then we both walked into the shop that sells Love and said "I'll have the usual please." One day you will come back and I will stand again on the back of your bike, skirt billowing hair brushed by the breeze squinting into the bright sun light 

So it seems that everything changes and yet nothing does. 

Do you think of it as all that you are sorry to have lost, or all that you were lucky to have had?

When I remember you I am filled with love and gratitude for what you were and are to me.

A long time ago I quoted: "i carry your heart with me(i carry it in / my heart)."

Today as I wipe the dust away I find it is still true. So call me, or come visit - and we'll catch up. 

I love you.


Pseudoangela said...

Because we need the eggs.