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Wednesday, 28 March 2012





帶狗去 7,牠就挨著每個 aisle, 把零食包裝都舔一舔,然後抬頭看著你:「香香,你借我一百塊好不好?這個我可以吃ㄟ」... 囧rz. (狗,你再舔店員就快要把我們趕出去了啦!)
帶貓去 7,貓就隨便挑幾個想吃的零食,然後叫你去結帳。(所以不會有人帶貓去 7)。


Thursday, 22 March 2012


誰怕誰啊。我當然敢... Just you 放馬過來.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


This morning I thought of looking in the recipe book you gave me for pancake recipes, and wondered how you are doing.

Monday, 19 March 2012

So Undignified

Catching up with Alison, an old friend, who had a baby a little while ago... 

... My brother and his wife just had a baby as well so I can fully appreciate how busy wee'uns keep you. Oliver can't crawl either. Holding him and playing with him, I realize just how long it takes for human beings to acquire some semblance of dignity. It's at once endearing and pathetic. Good thing we can't remember those early struggles. Or do you think it would make us kinder, gentler, more sympathetic and more humble, if only we could?

Thursday, 15 March 2012

No one is watching

but you always play to an audience. take a bow, or a blow, and get off the stage. then you'll be comfortable, though you don't know it yet.

'I saw.'


Each person whoever was or is or will be has a song. It isn’t a song that anybody else wrote. It has its own melody, it has its own words. Very few people get to sing their own song. Most of us fear that we cannot do it justice with our voices, or that our words are too foolish or too honest, or too odd. So people live their songs instead.

Take Daisy, for example. Her song, which had been somewhere in the back of her head for most of her life, had a reassuring, marching sort of beat, and words that were about protecting the weak, and it had a chorus that began “Evildoers beware!” and was thus much too silly ever to be sung out loud. She would hum it to herself sometimes though, in the shower, during the soapy bits.

And that is, more or less, everything you need to know about Daisy. The rest is details.

(Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman - sorry I lost the page reference). 

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Please say that it will go away.

Even then

'Mustn't crab the Government, though! Don't know really what we'd do without it. I can tell you that nowadays you can walk in most anywhere with a notebook and pencil, dressed right, and speaking B.B.C., and ask people all the most intimate details of their daily lives and all their back history, and what they had for dinner on November 23rd because that was a test day for middle-class-incomes - or whatever it happens to be (making it a grade above to butter them up!) - ask'em any mortal thing you can; and nine times out of ten they'll come across pat, and even the tenth time though they may cut up rough, they won't doubt for a minute that you're what you say you are - and that the Government really wants to know - for some completely unfathomable reason!… it's the best line we've ever had… Yes, Government snooping is God's gift to investigators and long may it continue!'

(Agatha Christie, After the Funeral, first published 1953) 

A long long time ago

When I was in high school I got talking to a guy who plays blues in the subway stations around Toronto (most often, Eglinton). I'd see him every once in a while, and he he'd always play 'messin' with the kid'

and 'pride and joy' for me because those were my favourites.

He also got me listening to Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee.

Wonder what he's doing now.


Good morning, Wednesday. You will never know what Different Class means to me. 

Monday, 12 March 2012

On Translation



Thursday, 8 March 2012

Work in Progress

Let's all of us lie down & die in the hole we've dug ourselves. 

(today. or tomorrow. whenever is more convenient.) 


it wobbled rather badly. I'm not sure if it will get up and walk again. Except of course, I want it to. But it might be more convinced that it'd be much easier to stay lying down. 

Sunday, 4 March 2012


if I wear makeup, glasses, and heels.