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Monday, 28 September 2015

And then

... I stuffed the leftover crevices in my boxes with newspaper, and sealed them up with tape. I put one UPS label onto each box in preparation for the pickup tomorrow. Now they are all sitting in a row (all 11 of them), and I pray that none of them are over-weight (30 kg). 

Feels like another phase of my life is wrapping up. I've moved from one continent to the next more times than I care to recall. The first time, I was 9 years old and had a aqua-marine striped canvas tote bag (carry-on) and that was all my luggage (my parents packed other things, but that was outside my jurisdiction). When I was 19 I moved to the UK with one suitcase and one sleeping bag. After I laid out the sleeping bag and put my clothes away in the wardrobe, my toothbrush sat on the windowsill and my dorm looked very cold and empty (soon I furnished it with charity shop finds). 

Ever since my moves have been increasing in frequency. I don't really want to think of them now.

As ever, the only way is forward. 

Monday, 14 September 2015

Since when did I become...

an advocate of kindness?

Friday, 11 September 2015

what it's like to live in survivor mode

... to learn to live without the things that are so necessary, to the point of distrusting the existence or the proffered offerings of friendship, understanding, appreciation.  

Wednesday, 2 September 2015