就這樣自己與自己的距離越來越遠,見不得人的那面更加的見不得人。這個故事的過去與現在中間斷了那一部份。不說並不會更簡單。我需要的是拉拉隊,不是訓導主任,because I have fear and pressure aplenty.
One part of me wants to accept it as well meaning. One part of me wants to shout「廢話」in your face. I mean, no shit, Sherlock. You think I haven't come up with that already in the last, oh, 17 years?
What I need to is to be convinced by the evidence and not by my fears.
One part of me wants to accept it as well meaning. One part of me wants to shout「廢話」in your face. I mean, no shit, Sherlock. You think I haven't come up with that already in the last, oh, 17 years?
What I need to is to be convinced by the evidence and not by my fears.
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