Earlier today I had my photoshop/illustrator class which I really enjoyed. Our instructor, Karen, is quirky, charming, and totally unpretentious. Plus I get to chat to people on Gmail during class, which is really all that I could have asked for. That and I got to play music for everyone off my ipod... The small pleasure of inflicting my musical tastes on 10 or so other people.
After class today I stayed a bit late in the comlab and scanned a children's story book I bought because I like the illustrations and would like to have a digital copy for reference. Then I left the school and went to the public library. I wanted to get Augustine's Confessions but unsurprisingly the small City Hall branch didn't have a copy of that. So I decided to settle for War and Peace, since the catalogue claimed that there was one copy on the shelf. This copy, however, was not to be found. But when I was browsing I came upon a substantial collection of P.G. Wodehouse - and that's how I went in with the intention of reading Christian spiritual biography and went out with English comedic malarkey. (Actually, I also picked up Richard Yates's A Special Providence, having heard good things about him. I'm about 25 pages into it, and so far so good).
Then I wanted to buy a new set of headphones because mine died a few days ago. My headphones always seem to go on one side, so sound out of one ear but not the other... If I jiggle it around I can manage sound out of both but as soon as I stop toying with it, it goes silent again. I met a guy at my InDesign class who works at Bay Bloor Radio and he said it's a good family owned company, so I decided to go there. The thing is, I thought, ah, Bay and Bloor, piece of cake, I know where that is. Instead I went to Yonge and Bloor and asked for directions and then realized my stupidity. I guess having lived in Toronto for a long time I don't feel at all anxious about where I am going, and end up getting to a general area but with no idea how to get to exactly where I want to go... Like when I went to Hugh's Room last night for a gig, and got out at Dundas West not knowing at all where the venue was at.
Anyhow I got there fine because everyone in the area of Yonge and Bloor seemed to know exactly where Bay Bloor Radio is. I bought a pair of Denon headphones for $33. It's really quite decent - I've been using it on my walks today and the sound is good. I've never heard of the brand before, but I had a chat with the sales-person and he recommended these...
Now I have the rest of Friday all to myself... After feeling like I'm always running around, I look forward to just sitting still and sorting my life out. There's so much admin to be done, and a lot of drawing to catch up with... But I just thought I'd come here and tell you about my mundane quotidian adventures of today. The weather was really very beautiful. I wish you could have been here to share it with me.
p.s. I recommend Bay Bloor Radio. Service was very good and the staff friendly.