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Sunday, 4 January 2009

Imagining things in the library...

The Keble library can be a bit eerily quiet during the holidays. Open twenty-four hours and awful quiet once the students take off, it has large cubicles in old wood, lots of books, dim lighting, and a certain creakiness (as well as vaulted ceilings and red brickwork). Recently I saw a trailer for The Strangers, and can't stop my overly active imagination from firing away while I am suppose to be reading Chaucer in the library.

I sit right by the main entrance, and can hear the door slamming shut as people come in. There is only one entrance to the library (i.e. one exit). What if I were to see the masked man walk intently in, holding onto a cleaver?

Luckily so far all that I have seen are other harrased looking students.


Anonymous said...

I've always felt that libraries are a little creepy, but in a sort of safe way. All that information in one place, for a start, makes a library a dangerous place, right? But, as the saying goes, sticks and stones can break my bones but words could never harm me. Libraries - safe as houses!

Pseudoangela said...

I think the Keble College library is particularly bad because it's very Victorian :) High vaulted ceilings, and small wooden cubicles which seat about 6 readers on either side of the main entry way. Quite poorly lit when all the desk lamps aren't on - and definitely creaks!