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Friday, 29 August 2008

Snails envied no more (envy now redirected to homeowners)

After a few frantic days of telephone calls and long hours in front of the computer, plus a hellishly expensive train journey down to Oxford, I've secured myself a pad. It's cheap & cheerful (in Oxford terms), and it's pleasantly close to Rob, Louise & Arran's place. They were kind enough to have taken me in during my brief trip - and happy hours were spent chasing after Arran around the house, and feeding him a gratifyingly large quantity of blackberries.

The neighbourhood I will be living in seems pleasantly exciting: multicultural, full of charity shops, and plenty of green space. I'm looking forward to discovering a new place - but also apprehensive of leaving an old, familiar one.

But then again. Change is the only constant.

For photos of an amazingly cute toddler, see my flickr.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I found a place as well, moved in about a week ago (or did I already email that). Bought myself two fish yesterday, to liven things up a bit. Enjoy your new home!