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Friday, 15 August 2008

Frocks on the blog and what it indicates.

If I post pictures of frocks here, it's because I'm working, and I want to have a break. There's something about pretty pictures of pretty clothes that makes it seem alright for me to sit and read more of Piers Plowman. Same goes for pictures of Audrey Hepburn, which makes bad things ok, and ok things good.

I love the rich raspberry colour of the empire waist dress from Necessity is the Mother (and I love the name of the shop!). I do have reservations about the fit though - my bust is what would be described in Chinese as "airport like" - think runways. Hm. Still, nothing to stop me from looking at it and feeling like the world is that much better for having beautiful things in it.

The same goes for the pinafore dress from Victorian Bird. I am very taken with alot of their designs - and their prices are really very very reasonable. Not being a wasp shaped girl, I've always found higher waistlines flattering to my figure (ditto for the raspberry dress). I'm not sure what it is about the pinafore design - but I love it. In fact, this photo of it I've got totally doesn't do it justice. Please do visit Victorian Bird and look at some of their other things to fully appreciate the simplicity and perfect balance (strange, I know - but that's how I'd describe it) of their cuts.

Sometimes I wonder whether I really do want to go and do this M.St. degree. I do love medieval literature - but there is a part of me that really would like to think about nothing but frocks all day. Will I ever gather enough courage to abandon the safety of esoteric intellectual pursuits...?

For now, though, Piers Plowman bloody well ain't gonna read itself.