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Saturday 14 June 2008

I don't feel so good...

because I ate too much at dinner.
I went to a local restaurant and had a dish of veggies in sesame oil and garlic, and a dish of tofu, plus a big bowl of Chinese pasta with meat and tofu sauce and finely shredded carrots and cucumbers.
When I am really hungry I order too much food, then I force myself to finish because I hate wastage. The meal cost me NT$130 - almost exactly 2 quid. The abundance and quality of food in Taiwan has made me resolve to never live in Britain, where edible things are A. expensive, B. mostly underwhelming. It's much easier to be a satisfied gourmand on a budget in Taiwan.

有點不舒服... 因為晚上吃的太飽了. 公司旁邊有一家周胖子餃子館, 我之了一盤涼拌龍鬚菜, 一盤豆腐, 加一大碗炸酱麵. 肚子餓的時候會一次叫太多東西... 又怕被雷公打, 所以勉強吃完. 這餐總共 NT$130, 正好兩英鎊. 台灣的東西真是便宜又好吃, 讓我發誓絕對不住英國... 那裡的食物又貴又不怎模樣. 荷包小的好食者還是住台灣來的好.