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Saturday 17 May 2008

Please lend a hand

Several days ago I attended a wedding in Shanghai, and stayed in Macau for one night. On our way back, the Sichuan earthquake happened as we dozed through another segment of in-flight entertainment. When we got on the ground and turned on our mobile phones, anxious relatives and friends who knew we were travelling in China telephoned to make sure that we were ok.

Imagine the anxiety of those whose loved-ones are in the midst of disaster - earthquake or cyclone.

In China the government is rushing with all speed to provide disaster relief. Websites are flooded with postings appealing for water, medication, food - and notices seeking information on missing relatives and friends. In Myanmar, the junta is still hindering aid from reaching those most critically affected.

If you can, please lend a hand by donating to those who need help. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is accepting donations for a variety of causes (earthquake, cyclone, food insecurity, flood, HIV/AIDS) - of which I am sure there is at least one you care about.