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Wednesday, 10 February 2021

down & up again 2

 A first I thought I was just frustrated and angry with you all the time because PMS, but then my period came and went and even on days when I felt chirpy and upbeat, the sound of you arguing with someone in your room would stress me out immediately. Then I realized that I just have no tolerance left. 

One day I told you that it was really stressing me out and the real problem for me is that we don't see eye to eye on what the issue is. When I ask you to work on what I perceive to be the fundamental, underlying problem, your answer is "I can't", and if that's the case, then I feel like everything will always be worse than it could be, and that I couldn't bear. If the answer was "I'm working on it, give me time", then I would support you forever, but it's not. 

I also felt like things were starting to stagnate. I don't want this to be another place where you tread the same old path and live the same ingrained habits. More than a year ago when you started to call me up to keep me on the phone for hours, I told you that something has to change and maybe you are just burning all your bridges before that can happen. Now I wonder if I am one of those bridges. 

Maybe by keeping you here and cushioning you from the worst effects of your behavior, I'm enabling it, or putting off that moment when you'd either sink or swim? I don't know. Like a lot of other big issues we face, it's not an experiment. There's no re-do, no control group. If it goes badly, I can't hit rewind and try it again. I can't practice it until I get better at it. We agreed that you would start looking for somewhere to move to. I said I wish I could have done something more to help you, and I hope we'd still be friends. You hugged me and said of course we will, and made a joke about how I haven't done such a bad job since you weren't dead yet.

Since then you've gone up to Hamburg for a few days and come back. You started taking anti-depressants about three days ago and seem to be in a generally better mood. I can't help but think that some part of you feels bad for making my life difficult, and is trying your best to be your better self, even though you said you couldn't. Yesterday you made a joke about people shouting yea or nay in the British parliament. Today you came and told me you have another appointment with a psychiatrist. In between there are times when we kid around about something, and you laugh. 

Before bed I still go in to say goodnight and sit with you for a few minutes. I massage your hand or spoon you and stroke your face. Sometimes you start to say something about your problems and I have to gently remind you that we have an agreement. I just want to be able to express my affection for you without having to delve into the things which we are both of us powerless to change. I just want to carve out a little space and time for something else to exist.

Just now I heard you having a long meeting with your colleagues. At the end of it you said something to the effect of how they're always welcome to call you if they need help, because you'd be happy to talk to them. Something about the way you said it (and what you said) - was really you. The you that you are when you are not only the sum of your burdens and your fears. The kind, generous, and gentle person who just wants to help and share and be good to everyone. The person that I miss the most when you are not yourself. 

We haven't set a date for you to move out. I remind myself that just because you've had some good days, it doesn't mean that everything will get better. Perhaps your problems will drag you under again, and I don't know how or if I will be able to cope with that. But every time the real you resurfaces, I'm filled with gratitude, if not hope. I'm suspicious of hope, and I try not to have any expectations, but I'm glad for all those moments when you are not sunk so deep in pain you can't feel anything else. I'm happy every time you approach me to see what I'm doing. I'm happy every time we hug.

I'm still rooting for you.

From Felix's wall... because it describes her so well, I wanted to hang on to it.

 慶祝媽媽 64 歲生日的一些想法與心裡話.

在我眼中的媽媽, 總是待人真誠, 安分守己, 處事圓融. 她在五, 六十年前純樸的金門長大, 直到為了唸大學才移居台北, 認識了爸爸. 本來願望只想當老師的她, 在我心中一直是個既傳統卻又開明的母親. 在我成長的過程中, 她與爸爸從來沒有要求我學什麼才藝, 讀什麼樣的書, 唸什麼學校, 選什麼科系, 交什麼朋友.
個性單純簡單的媽媽, 因為婚姻, 家庭的關係, 自淡大歷史系畢業後竟也與爸爸在商界打滾四十年了. 我從小就看著媽媽兼顧母親與會計, 人資, 財務, 甚至編輯, 翻譯的工作. 不論是與銀行的業務主管打交道, 與倉儲的司機大哥搏感情, 與打電話來發飆的難搞客戶危機處理, 或與外商公司的高階主管應酬 - 她雖然真誠卻絕對不傻, 雖然單純卻從不會看不清楚對方的真正動機.
但是, 她從沒讓商場上的謀略與算計改變她本性的謙虛與善良. 她就是我的媽媽.
小時候, 當我與同學有不愉快, 或媽媽自己在工作上受別人的氣了, 常常聽媽媽說:
「對方這樣對待你, 那是他的品格與格調. 你如果把他放在心上, 或是去與他口出惡言, 不就把自己降到他的等級了嗎?」
說實在的, 年輕時我的個性很衝, 無法把這樣的哲學放在心上. 但隨著職場與生活上累積了經驗, 近年來, 每每遇到不舒服的人, 不中耳的話, 或不滿的事時, 總是能想到她的話而釋懷.
我漸漸邁入中年才越感受到自己多深的受媽媽影響. 相較於許多前同事, 身邊朋友, 我實在是不算精明, 不懂謀略也不喜算計. 不管是在職場上為自己的職涯升遷爭取機會, 拉攏靠近正確的主管之類的, 或是在生活中投資理財找錢滾錢的方法, 都不是我擅長的領域. 年近四十, 我已經很能夠坦然接受自己的不足, 缺點, 短處.
我會的, 只是把自己非常有限的能力所及, 責任範圍內的事情做到最好.
在工作與生活上一直幸運能有貴人相助, 主管提拔, 好同事好朋友信任, 我寧願相信只是因為我繼承了媽媽的待人真誠, 善良誠實.
比起職場上的運氣, 有這樣的媽媽才是我幸運的起源.
媽, 生日快樂.