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Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Turn around

... walk away. Look at something else for a while.

Like this headboard.

I want to make one just to hang on the wall. How about "what the fuck have you done" or "how long has it been going on"? (non-indicative of present condition - just two phrases that have a lot of thought provoking potential)

Or this much deliciousness.

Today I...

can't be reached.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Drawing boxes...

to figure out how to read 簡譜, and I get from you: "why can't you draw circles like everyone else?"

Monday, 17 December 2012

When I asked you for help...

I'm not sure how you buttoned up the back of my top this morning but it's been undoing itself all day long. Totally sub-standard. Either that or my top is having a very different sort of day from the sort of day I'm having. Makes me slightly envious.