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Friday, 15 August 2008


5.297: Now bigynneth Gloton for togoto shrifte,
5.298: And kaireth hym to kirkewarde his coupe to shewe.
5.299: Ac Beton the Brewestere bad hym good morwe
5.300: And asked of hym with that, whiderward he wolde.
5.301: "To holy chirche,' quod he, "for to here masse,
5.302: And sithen I wole be shryven, and synne na moore.'
5.303: " I have good ale, gossib,' quod she, " Gloton, woltow assaye?'
5.304: " Hastow,' quod he, "any hote spices?'
5.305: "I have pepir and pione,' quod she, "and a pound of garleek,
5.306: A ferthyngworth of fenel seed for fastynge dayes.
5.307: Thanne goth Gloton in, and grete othes after.

from Piers Plowman.